Friday, October 31, 2008

Early Voting is a Good Thing

Dear Friends and Family,

I had a couple of meeting cancellations yesterday afternoon and decided to take the opportunity to go and vote early. I picked up Mr. mouse and we drove to one of the local parks that was set up for early voting.

Guess who we saw? None other than Ms. Winfrey. She works in the neighborhood, and decided to do her civic duty and cast her ballot. It was kinda cool. Not sure I'll ever get within two feet of her again with only a handful of people in the vicinity. It felt serendipitous.

It took us just under two hours. Fortunately, they had chairs set up so we sat for 90% of the wait. In fact, Mr. mouse and I both napped for ~30 minutes, so the time went quickly.

Now, I don't have to worry about the craziness next Tuesday.


10.31.08 (Week 12, Day 7): Week 13, Second Trimester!

Dear Friends and Family,

A lot of symptoms definitely tapering off this week. But, it does continue to wear on you. I'm tired of feeling tired. And, tired of the slow digestion. And, tired of the constant burps. And, tired of the continual spotting. And, tired of the potbelly forming. And, tired of waiting. Wednesday is the second half of our first trimester screen. It'll be nice to get that behind us.

Your fully formed fetus, now in about its 11th week of development, measures 2.6 to 3.1 inches from crown to rump and weighs between half an ounce and seven-tenths of an ounce -- about the size of a peach. The head is still disproportionately bigger than the body, but the rest of the body is starting to catch up. In fact, your baby is growing rapidly these days. The face is starting to look more human, with eyes moving closer together. Toes and fingers are clearly separate, and ankles and wrists have formed. External genitalia are becoming visible. Intestines are shifting into their proper place, too.

Your uterus has grown a lot. It's filling your pelvis now and starting to grow upward into your abdomen. It probably feels like a soft, smooth ball. If you haven't put on any weight yet because of morning sickness, you'll begin to now as you start to feel better.

Tip for the Week
It's easy for your partner to feel left out of the pregnancy since he isn't feeling the same physical changes that you are. Both of you should share your excitement about having a child, your dreams, worries and your partner's level of involvement. Suggest that your partner goes to a check-up with you to hear the baby's heartbeat.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Counting Down until Election Day

Dear Friends and Family,

Five more days until Election Day. It's taken on a fever pitch here with people planning parties and celebrations as if it were New Year's Eve and the Super Bowl all rolled into one. We've got a couple of options we're considering.
  • Mr. mouse submitted an application for Grant Park, which would be absolutely amazing
  • House of Blues, a friend of ours is playing there
  • bars in the neighborhood are sponsoring parties and have the added benefit of being within walking distance
  • friends are having parties at home
  • we can just watch, the two of us, at home
My first choice is Grant Park. If that comes through, there's NO way I'm missing it. Otherwise, I think we may end up at a bar in our neighborhood enjoying the local vibe.

Five more days...


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mouse Gets a Promotion

Dear Friends and Family,

After many, many years of faithfully plugging away as a corporate cog, I got promoted. My interview for the business unit position was last Thursday afternoon. It went well. And, Friday they called to confirm the offer.

It's a promotion, which is important since it shows, well, mobility, I guess. And, it's a raise, which is always nice. And, it's got a larger bonus potential, which I never bank on anyway. And, it gets me closer to the business, which is an area of strength for me.

I'm excited, to say the least. But, I'm also a little anxious. It's new. And, the last two years have been good to me. I've got my first meeting this afternoon. Wish me luck.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Expectation Management

Dear Friends and Family,

I finally got my interview schedule last night. And, it has on it... drum roll, please... one interview slot filled. Hey, I'm all for boondoggle to Beantown, but, this one takes the cake. Guess I can always standy by for an earlier flight back today.


10.28.08 (Week 12, Day 4): First Trimester Screen Part I

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, Mr. mouse and I went in for a blood draw. Next week, we go back for an ultrasound and consultation. They're both part of the first trimester screen to assess various risks of which Downs Syndrome is one of them. My college roommate who's an ob/gyn told us to hold off on any mass announcements until after we get the results from the first trimester screen.

Four more days and we're into the second trimester...


Monday, October 27, 2008

10.27.08: Mini College Reunion

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend went by in a flash.

We flew out on Saturday to New York to see both friends and family. We landed early Saturday morning and took a cab over to the store. My parent, Mr. mouse and I stopped by a diner for some breakfast and to catch up on the latest news. My parents store lease got extended! Whoopee! I'm so happy for them.

Then, we took the train downtown to see my college roommate for lunch. It turned into an impromptu reunion because, amazingly enough, our three close guy friends were all free. It was so good seeing all of them! We need to go back more often.

Saturday night, Mr. mouse and I went out to dinner with my mom; my dad had a prior commitment he couldn't get out of. Then, we took a cab home and spent the evening catching up. I was pretty tired from the flight and from dinner, so by 10PM, we were all in bed for the evening.

Sunday, they dropped us off, bright and early at the airport. Got back home, took a nap, spent some time cleaning the basement, napped some more, watched Game 4 of the World Series, and turned in for the night.

I need to pack for my work trip this morning. I may or may not write tomorrow depending on whether I pack my computer for the trip. If not, see you Wednesday.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

10.25.08 (Week 12, Day 1): Telling People

Dear Friends and Family,

We're headed home for the weekend to begin "telling" our friends and family the good news. I know Mr. mouse wants to share with his best friend when he visits in two weeks. And, theoretically, there's no reason not to at that point. And, we're out next weekend for our dentist appointment. So, by default, we've got this weekend to share the news with family first.

I don't have the words formed in my head yet so I'll be winging it. But, it'll be nice to be able to have other people to talk to about it.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Alumni Work Today

Dear Friends and Family,

Because I don't have enough going on in my life (if you missed the sarcasm, reread the start of the paragraph with a heavy dose of sarcasm), I agreed to get involved in the alumni council at school. Then, because I got involved, I was asked to join the steering committee. And, because I joined the steering committee, I was elected president.

What started out as a two year commitment (two years ago) has now turned into "if you give a mouse a cookie"...

We have our annual on-site meeting today so I'm headed off soon to get ready. To be honest, I would have loved a day at home catching up. But, it is what it is. I have a feeling Fridays at home are going to become a LOT more rare once I move departments.


10.24.08 (Week 11, Day 7): Week 12

Dear Friends and Family,

This week has been much better than last. I still get burpy sometimes, but definitely less so than last week. I'm hoping I'm turning the corner on this. If this week goes smoothly, next week marks the start of the second trimester. Wow!

The fetus now measures about 2.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs between three-tenths of an ounce and half an ounce. It is fully formed, from tooth buds to toenails, and your baby's job now is to continue getting larger and stronger for the rest of your pregnancy. With the most critical development behind the fetus, the chance of miscarriage drops considerably after this week.

Nausea and energy start to improve. You may be experiencing occasional headaches, dizziness and fatigue from hormonal changes. If it's your first baby, you still could be wearing loose-fitting clothes, but if you've had other pregnancies, you'll probably start to show earlier and may be in maternity clothes. The typical weight gain by now is about three to five pounds. Fathers-to-be might also experience pregnancy symptoms, called couvade or "hatching," during the third month and at delivery, including nausea, abdominal pain, appetite changes and weight gain.

Tip for the Week
Most women develop stretch marks on their abdomen, breasts, hips or buttocks sometime during their pregnancy. They won't go away, but they'll usually fade after pregnancy. Despite claims from manufacturers, creams and oils don't minimize them. It depends on your skin's natural elasticity. Gradual rather than rapid weight gain may help, as well as avoiding excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

What's Happening Inside You?
By the end of the third month, your baby is fully formed. Your baby has arms, hands, fingers, feet and toes and can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming. Your baby's reproductive organs also develop, but the baby's gender is difficult to distinguish on ultrasound. The circulatory and urinary systems are working and the liver produces bile.

At the end of the third month, your baby is about 4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce.

Since your baby's most critical development has taken place, your chance of miscarriage drops considerably after three months.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Work Opportunities II

Dear Friends and Family,

I had a couple of weeks to look potential next roles at work and here's what I learned.

Online: ixnay on this one. Not crazy about the hiring manager and he wants to bring me in at a lateral and evaluate me for six months before promoting me. Thanks, but no thanks.

Analytics: hiring freeze currently as the team decides whether it wants to continue being a centralized function or decentralize into the operating units. I could wait and see, but I think it's going to be awhile in the solving.

Strategic Implementation: I loved the SVP when I met him last week. By far the most attractive of the three options, currently. I meet with the VP of the team today. I've got my fingers crossed. Wish me luck!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

August Baby Posts

Dear Friends and Family,

I think I totally blanked this morning on my daily post.

Another month, another spate of baby... maybe posts. August, overall, was a peaceful and uneventful month. We decided to "take a break" from it all and just enjoy a month of the good old days.

To be honest, August seems like a world and another life ago. I was working around the clock on a meeting we had scheduled for early September. It was summer and I was happily harvesting my tomatoes and peppers. And, the days were long and bright.

It's fall now. Work is manageable and I'm in the midst of working through exploring new roles. The harvest is in. And, yesterday, I needed to break out the winter coat. The holidays are coming up on us. This is my favorite time of the year.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finding Peace in Prayer

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm not a very religious person. But, lately, I've been finding peace in prayer. Sometimes when I can't go to sleep at night, I find myself praying. Usually, it's a request for patience (instead of rushing to find the "right" answer) or of acceptance (instead of fighting things outside of my control) or talking through what's on my mind (the list of things worrying me and why ultimately they're not really all that important).

I try not to have the "special request" list prayer (e.g. please, I'd like X, Y, and Z) or the "negotiation" prayer (e.g. if you do X for me, I promise I'll do Y from now on). But, I do usually put in a special call out for my two grandparents and Mr. mouse's mom who've passed away and for my two grandparents and Mr. mouse's grandmother who are getting old. Not anything specific, just a little something at the end.


Monday, October 20, 2008

10.20.08: Work and Sleep

Dear Friends and Family,

Another quiet weekend at home. Saturday morning, I got up early and did some work. Then, we drove out to pick up our mail and eat lunch at the Mitsuwa food court - miso ramen soup, rice with pork bits, steamed shrimp dumplings, pot stickers, chicken feet, and rice balls.

We ran a couple of errands and came home. I think I slept the rest of the day since I don't have any recollection of Saturday evening.

Sunday morning, we both got up early and did some work. Then, Mr. mouse headed into the office for a call while I worked/napped at home. Spent the evening watching random clips on hulu and before you knew it, it was bedtime.

And, now it's Monday. We're headed home this weekend. I'm so excited to see my parents.


10.20.08 (Week 11, Day 3): Anxiety Meltdown

Dear Friends and Family,

It happened last night. All of the thinking and reading and pondering and worrying finally got to me. And, I balled my eyes out all night while Mr. mouse tried to comfort me.

The root cause of all of this? Well, on the physical level, the hormones are raging and the stomach is teetering. And, on an emotional level, we've got our first AMA (advanced maternal age) recommended screening in two weeks.

Here's where we landed. Not sure we have the stomach for some of the trisomy diseases that result in fetal death or infant death. But, for others, that may result in hardship, but perhaps years of unknown joys, we think we're willing to sign up for. Mr. mouse assured me he would not fault me or be angry with me if Pioneer has any additional chromosomes. It is what it is. And, he pointed out that it's already decided. Pioneer's genetic make up is already determined and no amount of worrying on my part is going to change it.


PS: Still pro-choice. And, fortunately for me, so is Mr. mouse. Ultimately, he's leaving all of this up to me. If I decide I'm not willing to go through with this, he'll support me in my decision.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

10.19.08 (Week 11, Day 2): Hypersensitive Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

I've always had a sensitive nose. But, now, it's gotten worse. And, things that normally smell delicious (e.g. roasting chicken) now make me feel nauseous. Hence, I'm in the bedroom with the windows open, the door closed, blanket stuffed under the door, candle lit and Lysol on dresser. Sigh. I'm a prisoner in my own house.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday Morning Bliss

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm late with my morning post. I slept in this morning and then I needed to get some stuff done. But, now, I can take a couple of minutes and enjoy my morning. Tea. Blog. Book. Peace.

We're going home next weekend to see the parents. Then, we're in Detroit the next weekend for our dentist appointment. And, the following weekend we've got friends in town for Mr. mouse's birthday. So, it's going to be hectic here for awhile.

And, that makes this morning even more important. I've got a lot of work to do and some house cleaning to do, but I'm going to take some time and enjoy the morning. Morning's like this seem so rare.


10.17.08 (Week 10, Day 7): Week 11

Dear Friends and Family,

Just got back from our first official appointment. So far, Pioneer is doing well. Doctor isn't concerned about the bleeding or the carbotarian diet. We're going to do the first trimester screening in two weeks to find out if Pioneer is at risk for chromosomal abnormalities. Feeling good today. Learned the hard way last night, don't let the stomach get empty. It makes you feel miserable.

Your fetus, about the size of a large lime, measures about 1.75 to 2.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about three-tenths of an ounce. About now the rapid "swooshing" noises of the heartbeat can be heard through a Doppler sound-wave stethoscope. Fingernails and external genitalia are showing distinguishing characteristics, and the baby is swallowing and kicking, although you still won't feel it.

Your uterus is almost big enough to fill your pelvis and may be felt in your lower abdomen. You may also experience changes in hair, skin, fingernails or toenails.

Tip for the Week
Don't ignore your dental hygiene during pregnancy. Floss and brush regularly, and make sure you see your dentist at least once in these nine months. Your gums may bleed more because of hormones during pregnancy and because of increased blood volume.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Cold Feet about Investing Again

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm such a fraidy cat. Yesterday, I was excited about investing again. Today, I'm having second thoughts. We haven't bought yet because we haven't made a decision on the specifics of what to buy. The market's performance yesterday didn't do much to instill confidence in would-be investors.

We'll see what today brings. If it's another roller coaster day, I may hold off until my comfort level increases. The silver lining in this is that our planner has our money, so once we are ready to move, there won't be any delay in buying.

This is all so much easier in a bull market.


10.16.08 (Week 10, Day 6): Two and a Half Month Point

Dear Friends and Family,

Knock on wood. This week has been better from the nausea front. I'm not sure if it's better food management on my part, higher tolerances for it, or actual relief. I think it may be a combination of the three. But, I'll take it. Both yesterday and today have felt better.

On the flip side, the fatigue is kicking in this week. Slept eight hours two nights ago and six last night. And, I was exhausted yesterday afternoon. And, pretty sure I will be again this afternoon.

So far, I've gained somewhere between 0 and 2.5 pounds. It's tough to say because there's a lot more fluctuation in my weight. But, I'm definitely beginning to "show." Mr. mouse says you can't tell when I'm dressed. But, I can tell. I've moved into my 4P pants. And, there's definitely a rounding to my belly that I wouldn't be happy with if I wasn't pregnant.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Investing Again

Dear Friends and Family,

After sitting on the side lines for the past three months, Mr. mouse and I decided to take the plunge and dive back into the stock market investing game. It was nice seeing the house mortgage balance drop each month, but with equities priced as low as they are, it makes sense to try and stomach the ride for the rest of the year.

We've also been stockpiling cash. We'll have a year's reserve by the end of this year, if everything goes to plan. Owning the house free and clear would be awesome. Guess we'll get there sooner or later. Sigh.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mammogram Follow-Up

Dear Friends and Family,

My follow-up appointment on Friday went well. They did an ultrasound on my left breast and didn't see anything of note. Just in case, they want another follow-up in six months.


Monday, October 13, 2008

10.13.08 (Week 10, Day 3): Another Emergency Visit

Dear Friends and Family,

Just when I thought the bleeding was under control, I woke this morning to cramps and fresh (i.e. red) blood. Wonderful.

11AM appointment. Ultrasound showed Pioneer is 2.75 cm crown to rump with a heart beat of 173 beats per minute. We were able to hear the heart beat and walked away with two more pictures.

The nurse told us to continue with the "pelvic rest" (no heavy lifting, no exercising, no intercourse) until the bleeding had stopped for seven days. We've got our first scheduled appointment on Friday. The nurse told us to hang tight until then unless any new symptoms appeared.

Another thing that's curious is my rising blood pressure: 118/78 today. I've never had a triple digit read. One more thing to watch, I guess.


10.13.08: The Accidental Marathoner

Dear Friends and Family,

It's late Monday morning and I'm just beginning my day. We had friends in town this weekend for the marathon and I couldn't have enjoyed myself more. I needed a break.

Friday afternoon, I went for my mammogram. And, Mr. mouse headed to the airport to help a friend of ours. Our Turkish friend's mom was flying over from Turkey and had a layover/transfer here. She speaks no English, we're relatively certain most gate agents speak no Turkish. Mr. mouse hung out with her to make sure she made her flight okay.

The timing worked perfectly because Chantal and Eric (two new friends from Canada) flew in right when Mr. mouse was done. They all took the train down together. And, we headed out to Due for some deep dish action. We came back and crashed. Mr. mouse stayed up to let our friends, Fred and Gen, in.

Saturday, over breakfast of toast and fruit and eggs, we had a chance to catch up and make plans for the day. Mr. mouse took the marathoners down to pick up bibs and gear while Fred and I walked the neighborhood to pick up lunch stuff. Chantal, Eric and Gen had all registered for the race. But, Chantal wasn't running because of a change in plans. And, Eric was planning on dropping out at the 35K mark - to get a training run in for the Philadelphia marathon, but not overextend himself. Gen, she was running.

Fred and I had a great walk over to the fruit/vegetable store. Then, we stopped by the wine store to pick up some champagne for Sunday. Then, over to our favorite meat store for some delicious rib eye steaks. And, last but not least, the bakery to pick up toast for breakfast the rest of the weekend. I love shopping at a bunch of specialty stores vs. one generic store. It was also a great chance to catch up.

After lunch, we headed down to Millennium Park to see the park and pick up the bike. Then we chilled at home before starting the pasta pot for dinner. I love a simple pasta. Mr. mouse made tomato sauce Saturday night with a tomato from our crop share, olive oil, garlic and basil. I could have eaten the whole box of pasta myself. Gen made a fabulous salad. And, we had chicken sausage and crop share green beans to round out the meal.

Put the runners to bed. Fred and Chantal made signs while Mr. mouse and I headed out to Target. We picked up some noise makers, some markers, some poster board and party favor medals. We wanted to give Eric one, just in case he didn't finish the full marathon, for finishing the 35K.

Sunday, I had some stuff to do at home. Mr. mouse and Fred dropped the runners off at the park. Then, Fred, Chantal, and Mr. mouse loaded all of their gear onto the three bikes and headed out to watch the race. I had a template to track and estimate the runners arrivals at various check points. One thing we agreed to this year is that we'd always be on the runner's left hand side. So, there wasn't this perpetual guessing game we played last year.

It was hot. But, not as bad as last year. Gen finished. And, so did Eric. He had mentally decided the night before to go the distance. And, in fact, he finished ahead of Gen. I met them all in the tent with some champagne and we slowly made our way home.

Showers. Champagne. Cold pizza. Leftover rib eye. Stories. Laughs. And, we were ready to head over to Spring for dinner. Two more friends joined us for dinner. The wine was excellent. The oysters delicious. The Thai lobster wontons delicate. The fish, well, it's always good. And, dessert, well we were almost too full for dessert. But, I've found a new love - grape sorbet. And, to finish it off, the taste of chocolate at the end. This time it was citrus basil.

We passed out when we got home. And, this morning Chantal and Eric headed to the airport and Mr. mouse headed to work. Fred and Gen are going to see a couple of museums. And, I really should log on soon and start work.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Mammogram Today

Dear Friends and Family,

I go in this afternoon for a follow-up mammogram. Mr. mouse felt "something" earlier this year during our monthly breast exam. And, I asked my ob/gyn about it during one of our visits. She didn't think it was anything to worry about, but sent me in for an x-ray and mammogram just in case.

I went for the first round of tests. And, the lump Mr. mouse felt didn't raise any red flags. I guess it was just tissue. But, on the outside of my left breast the mammogram picked up "something", probably "nothing", but the doctor felt it was worth following up on in six months.

And, today is that follow-up appointment. We'll see what this afternoon brings.


10.10.08 (Week 9, Day 7): Week 10

Dear Friends and Family,

Another week down, another week closer to... well, I guess, baby. We have our first official ob/gyn appointment next Friday. And, then, the weekend after we're going home to tell the parents the news. I'm beginning to get excited about the telling part. So far, we haven't told anyone outside of the medical professionals who need to know, obviously.

Congratulations! Your baby is now officially called a "fetus." It looks a little like a medium shrimp, measuring 1.25 to 1.68 inches from crown to rump, and weighing a little less than two-tenths of an ounce. You might be reassured to know that most physical malformations, when they occur, have occurred by the end of this week, so the most critical part of your baby's development is safely behind you. But other developmental processes, such as those affecting behavior and intelligence, will continue throughout pregnancy. Eyes are covered by skin that will eventually split to form eyelids.

You still probably don't show, but you may be wearing looser clothes. You may even be starting to eye maternity clothes, although you probably still don't need them. You may continue to feel tired and moody, but take heart: These symptoms shouldn't last too much longer.

Tip for the Week
If you're going to have chorionic villus sampling (CVS), a prenatal test used to detect genetic defects such as Tay-Sachs, sickle cell anemia, most types of cystic fibrosis and Down syndrome, it will probably be scheduled between now and 12 weeks.


Thursday, October 09, 2008

New Opportunities at Work

Dear Friends and Family,

I've been at work for almost two years now. And, I think it's time to do something new. I've been surprised and somewhat delighted at how supportive my boss has been in helping me figure all of this out. There are three options I'm looking into.

My favorite is with our online team. It's a product planning position developing a road map for the website (e.g. what features and benefits should be developed next). This one would definitely be the most fun. But, it's the one where I'm least certain of where it leads next.

Another option is to work with one of the business units in strategy implementation. The team spent the last year developing a three year strategy. And, now they've got an opening for someone to execute against the strategy. I've got a couple of concerns about work-life balance with this team, but the exposure would be great.

And, the last option is to stay in a staff role. There's a position on the analytics team. My former boss went to lead that group. And, he'd love to have me. I love his team. I know the work-life balance would be good. And, I think (but, I'm not sure) he'd be just as supportive in two years when I was ready for something new.

All three are good options I'd be happy with. They're all promotions. I still need to interview for the job itself. We'll see where it all leads.


10.09.08 (Week 9, Day 6): Feeling Better

Dear Friends and Family,

Fortunately, it seems like the symptoms come in phases. Some days are worse. Some days are better. This morning, I'm feeling good. Here's what seems to be working for me.

(all times approximate)
  • 4AM: 1/2 cup of juice
  • 6AM: yogurt or cup chocolate milk
  • 9AM: half serving of fruit (~2.5 oz)
  • 10AM: other half serving of fruit (~2.5 oz)
  • 12PM: small lunch (e.g. soup and roll, half sandwich and chips)
  • 3PM: snack (e.g. handful of nuts, granola bar)
  • 5PM: cold drink - juice, water, tea, something not carbonated
  • 6PM: small dinner (e.g. fish and vegetables, rice and egg, something)
  • 8PM: snack (e.g. orange, apple, kiwi, ice cream)


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

10.08.08 (Week 9, Day 5): Still Nauseous, but Coping

Dear Friends and Family,

I think the title says it all.

Tiny meals, lots of liquids, and mostly cold foods (like juice and milk and yogurt) are keeping me going. I've lost a little weight in the last couple of weeks and weighed in this morning at 121.5, but Mr. mouse isn't worried. As long as I'm eating nutritionally dense foods (not sure Campbell's chicken noodle soup counts, but whatever) and I'm keeping it down, I don't think he's too concerned at this point.


Update: Weather Outlook for Marathon Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, not sure if it's all headed in the right direction. It was looking good from a temperature perspective. I was just worried about rain. Now, it's looking warm again. I hope it doesn't turn into a fiasco like last year. Although last year went up to almost 90°, and I imagine every degree counts at that point.

Sunday weather, four days from today. High of 76° and a low of 61° with a 20% chance of showers.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

10.07.08 (Week 9, Day 4): Nausea, Nausea, More Nausea

Dear Friends and Family,

I can't complain. I haven't actually thrown up, yet.

But, the nausea is becoming more frequent. And, it's getting worse. I think it's only a matter of time.

Yesterday's routine worked well until I let my stomach get too empty. I think the trick is to keep the stomach always going but not let it get too full. I hate to say it, but the easiest way to do that is to drink juice all day long. I'm sure that's not the healthiest option since there's no protein or fat or fiber in juice, it's almost all sugar. But, if it gets me through the day, I may just go with it for awhile. I'll try it today and see how I do.


PS: I'm getting anxious to share the good news, but we're waiting for now. 10/25 we go home to share the news with our parents. That'll be the start of week 12. And, the weekend after we're in Detroit and I imagine we'll share the news there. Perhaps when I get back from Detroit. Then, I'll post all of these posts and can be real time with it.

Quiet (and a Little Dull) Here

Dear Friends and Family,

After a crazy summer, it's quiet at work.

And, I haven't been feeling 100% the last couple of days so it's been quiet at home.

As a result it's also pretty dull. So, I'm going to lame out and leave you hanging for now.


Monday, October 06, 2008

10.06.08: How is it Already Monday?

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend flew by. Saturday, I woke early, did some work and then napped. We headed out to the Museum of Science and Industry for the afternoon to see the Smart Home. We got a exhibit resource guide with all sorts of ideas on how to be more green.

Then, Mr. mouse dropped me off at home. I watched Fast Food Nation while he went shopping for some fall clothes. Dinner was a handful of Lemon Heads and Sour Patch Kids. I can't say it's the healthiest, but I fell asleep shortly after the movie, so I forgot to make something.

Sunday, we woke up early again. We went out for dim sum and then more fall shopping. I picked up two new sweaters (sorry, can't find pics online). And, Mr. mouse picked up two new slacks for work. Then, he dropped me off at home. I napped and did some more work while he went out for groceries. We ate, did some house cleaning.

And, it's Monday.

Weather outlook for this Sunday? High of 62° and a low of 47° with a 30% chance of showers. Got some more house cleaning to do this week.


10.06.08 (Week 9, Day 3): Always Full

Dear Friends and Family,

My digestion has always been slow. And, it's only gotten slower with pregnancy. Last week it came to a screeching halt. I've come to the conclusion that's what's been causing the stomachaches. There's too much food in my belly by end of day.

For instance, last night, I had half a bowl of rice with half an egg and one ounce chicken - 3 points. This would normally be a light snack. Last night, I was so full I could barely fall asleep. And, this morning, I'm still full.

Today, I'm going to try mostly juices and milk to see if I can give my stomach a chance to catch up and empty out.


Friday, October 03, 2008

10.03.08 (Week 8, Day 7): Week 9

Dear Friends and Family,

Just figured out the way the ultrasound machine counts weeks is different from everyone else. So, near as I can tell, we're starting week 9, month 3 tomorrow. Pain in my @$. That's okay. Mr. mouse is right. I should focus on what's important. Pioneer continues to do well. I continue to do well.

The embryo measures about 0.9 inches to 1.2 inches from crown to rump, or the size of a strawberry. The arms and legs are longer, and the fingers might be a little swollen where the touch pads are forming. The head is more erect and neck is more developed. Your baby now moves its body and limbs, and this movement can be visible during an ultrasound, but you won't be able to feel it yet.

Your uterus is continuing to grow, and you may begin to see your waistline thickening. But unless you tell people the good news, your pregnancy still won't be noticeable to others. Weight gain is still small, if at all, since you could be experiencing food aversions, cravings, heartburn, indigestion, nausea and bloating. Mood swings and weepiness similar to PMS symptoms are common, too.

Tip for the Week
Eat plenty of foods that contain calcium -- such as cheeses, sardines and broccoli -- to provide sufficient calcium for the development of your baby's teeth and bones.


Weather Outlook for Marathon Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm fixated on something I can't control - the weather for the weekend of the Marathon. Last year, it was unbelievably hot. And, although it was great for tanning, per se, it was miserable for the runners and for the watchers. So, I've got my fingers and toes crossed for this year.

Today's the first peek to Sunday weather, 10 days from today. And, it's showing a high of 60° and a low of 47° with a 30% chance of showers. I'm guessing the temperature range is good. I'd prefer it to be sunny. We'll see how it unfolds over the next week.


10.03.08 (Week 8, Day 7): Week 8 (We Thought)

Dear Friends and Family,

Wow, by next weekend we'll be two months into this adventure. It's a little scary how quickly the time is going. I've asked Mr. mouse to begin sketching out the weeks. He doesn't want to until we're through the first trimester. I think that's wasting time we don't have. Sigh. Things would be so but easier, albeit less interesting, if we just agreed on everything.

Your embryo, now about in its sixth week of development, is about the size of a grape -- 0.56 to 0.8 inches from crown to rump. Eyelid folds and ears are forming and even the tip of the nose is visible. The arms have grown longer and bend at the elbows. Places where fingers and toes eventually will grow are becoming notched.

Your uterus, once the size of your fist, is now about the size of a grapefruit. You may feel some cramping or pain in your lower abdomen or sides, but that's because your uterus typically tightens or contracts throughout pregnancy. Consult your doctor if contractions are accompanied by vaginal bleeding.

Tip for the Week
Good breast support during pregnancy will help you feel more comfortable and prevent future sagging. Exercises to keep your chest muscles toned can be useful, too.

What's Happening Inside You?
Your baby's facial features continue to develop. Each ear begins as a little fold of skin at the side of the head. Tiny buds that eventually grow into arms and legs are forming. Fingers, toes and eyes are also forming

The neural tube (brain, spinal cord and other neural tissue of the central nervous system) is well formed. The digestive tract and sensory organs begin to develop. Bone starts to replace cartilage.

By the end of the second month, your baby, now a fetus, is about 1 inch long, weighs about 1/3 ounce, and is virtually all head (1/3 of its body is head).


10.03.08 (Week 8, Day 7): TUMS, My New Best Friend

Dear Friends and Family,

My belly aches started earlier than "usual" (if two days of data points can be classified as usual) yesterday. By around 10 in the morning, I could feel it beginning and I knew it would be BAD by the end of the day. In desperation, I went downstairs to the pharmacy and picked up a package of TUMS figuring it couldn't hurt. And, surprisingly, it helped. It didn't make it go away entirely, but it kept the stomach ache at the mere annoying level instead of the completely debilitating level. I think part of it is also exacerbated by the fact that I'm not going burp and fart (pardon the coarse language) my way through work. It's just not professional.

Total tally? 8 throughout the day yesterday. We'll see what today brings.


Thursday, October 02, 2008

Fall Chills

Dear Friends and Family,

The weather took a sharp turn this week and it's definitely feeling like fall. Time to pack away the summer clothes and break out the fall/winter wardrobe. I may spend some time this weekend clothes shopping. Or, maybe I'll pick up a stick blender to try some new soup recipes. Ah, something to look forward to.


10.02.08 (Week 8, Day 6): More Gas, Yeah

Dear Friends and Family,

I had a miserable ride in yesterday morning. The train was packed to the gills and standing room only and I didn't do well on it. I started having the can't breathe, can't see straight, lots of burps, lots of saliva, cold sweat feeling that generally precedes vomiting. Fortunately, I JUST made it to the stop where everyone gets off and I was able to get some air. It wasn't pretty.

Then, I had my afternoon "can't stay awake" fight with myself. And, around 2:30 the bellyache started coming on again. By evening, by belly was distended with gas like those old photos of children in Africa. It wasn't any fun at all. I was miserable the whole way home.

Mr. mouse made me a concoction of 1/2 tsp baking soda and 1 cup of water. It was gross, but our Alka-Seltzer had aspirin in it and I didn't have the energy to look up all of the other medications. Then, we went for a walk to drop off some library books.

I'm feeling a lot better this morning, but still not 100%. Hopefully today goes better than yesterday did.


Wednesday, October 01, 2008

CHAOS has taken over the house

Dear Friends and Family,

I've been sleeping a ton lately, and it's beginning to catch up to us. The house is a marginal disaster. We'll need to spend some time this weekend putting it back in order, we have friends coming over in two weeks for the marathon.

Nothing like company to motivate you to get your act together.


10.01.08 (Week 8, Day 5): Gas, Pleasant...

Dear Friends and Family,

Pioneer continues to make his/her presence known.

Around 9:30 in the morning, I had empty stomach queasiness going on. So, I went downstairs and bought a bag of gummy lifesavers and ate 10 pieces and then 10 more and then 10 more and felt better.

Then, I fell asleep at work yesterday. Yes, at my desk, for 30 minutes at 2:30 in the afternoon. I'm kidding, right? No, sad, but true, it happened.

And, later in the afternoon, I started have bellyaches again. My issue tree included 1) TUMS (indigestion), 2) Tylenol (cramps), 3) food (empty belly nausea), 4) home clothes (the size 0s are getting a little tight), 5) rest (fatigue).

I got home, changed, had a TUMS, had dinner and sat down in front of the TV to rest figuring if the pain didn't go away I'd take the Tylenol as a last resort. Well, turned out the bellyache was more gas, and a couple of "gas passes" later, I was feeling all better.

Thank goodness Mr. mouse went out for a haircut so I was home alone. I was sleep by 8:30, so I guess rest was part of it as well.
