Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Reading to P

Dear Friends and Family,

Back before P was mobile, she loved reading books together. We'd lie on our backs on the bed and she would watch while I read. Or, I'd sit her in my lap and she would watch while I read. Then, as she got older, we'd lie on our stomachs or she'd sit in my lap and I'd read while she babbled.

Now. Well, if she's being clingy, reading to P is the best way to get her off of my lap and crawling away to explore. Last night, I was crawling around the room, holding the book in front of her to try to read to her. Mr. mouse tried an abbreviated story that he makes up from the pictures. But, that didn't work either. He was crawling around the room, holding the book in front of her to try to make up a story for her.

So, if she doesn't get into a respectable college, it's not for lack of trying on our part to provide mental stimulation. Perhaps she'll get more interested once she's older. In the mean time, we'll continue our crawling book time escapades.


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