Monday, April 07, 2014

04.07.14: Recharged

Dear Friends and Family,

In case you didn't notice, I've been MIA for the past two weeks.

And, for good reason... P had off the last two weeks from school and I decided to switch up my routine while she was off. It was refreshing. And, now I'm back and a little more recharged and a little less tired.

We went on vacation for part of spring break and I want to share something that's always true when I am on vacation. I love being on vacation. Never once, while on vacation, do I think, wow, this is awesome, but it'd be more awesome if I had (insert random item in house) here with me. Like, when we went to Egypt or Petra, I never thought, wow, this is awesome, but it'd be more awesome if my ironing board was here with me. See how ridiculous that sounds?

Well, the same was true on this vacation. We went to the Virgin Islands, and it was awesome, but would it have been even more awesome if we had packed our never-used tapas pans with us? I think not.

It made me aware that my life is so much more than the things in my house. I've been fighting clutter for so long, but it made me realize how low I had set the bar. Clutter is more than the piles littered all of the house of stuff with no home. Clutter is also the stuff in your house with a home that doesn't deserve a home in your house.

For example, hiding in plain sight is a green vase in my kitchen. It has a home on the top of my kitchen cabinets. It's been there for the past eight years untouched. Does it really deserve a home in our house? Or the cookie jar Mr. mouse has that's stored in our kitchen? Does it really deserve a home in our house?

I need to travel more, simply to remind me that I can be perfectly happy without 90% of the stuff that I own.


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