Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

I rarely have dreams and when I do they're never good dreams. Usually, they're recurring nightmares so I know how to cope with them. They sometimes repeat verbatim. They sometimes follow certain themes.

Last night, I added a new dream to nightmare portfolio. I was at a train station with P. We had a lot of bags. It was crowded. P found the right train. I couldn't reach her. I told her to get on the train without me and that I'd catch up with her afterwards. I went downstairs to wait for the next train.

Then, I realized that P doesn't know which stop to get off at and that she couldn't manage the bags and that she's four years old and really shouldn't be traveling alone on the train. Then, in panic, I missed the next train. Then, it was mass chaos and I was convinced I had lost her forever.

Then, fortunately for everyone involved, I woke up.

The first thing I did was go to P's room and hold her. I comforted myself with the knowledge that it was only a dream. She wasn't lost. She was in her room, asleep, warm and cuddly with a steady, comforting heartbeat signalling that nothing was amiss in her world. It was just my imagination.

Fortunately, I usually find a way to work my way out of a dream once I recognize it. This one took me by surprise because it was new.


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