Friday, June 13, 2014

06.13.14: OMG, Has It Really Been Over a Week?

Dear Friends and Family,

No wonder I've been feeling disjointed and in a funk, it's been over a week since I posted.

Now, part of that time was traveling. We left Wednesday afternoon for a hopscotch trip that included reunion and the auto race. Both were fun and both reminded me that the here and now of the physical is so unimportant when compared to the joy of spending time with people you care about.

I promptly came home and did some major decluttering. But, still, the house is a mess. That's the other thing that's been in a funk, my sleep and my habit strategy. Instead of doing what I do best, I've been doing what's easy namely wandering around aimlessly while I stared at the clock ticking by.

So, I'm taking today to reclaim my life. I finished invoicing and expense reports and taxes this morning. And, now, I'm tackling my apparently long forgotten blog. I caught up on Facebook. And, I'm taking care of my nails next.

No more funk. No more disjointed mouse. I'm looking forward to the day.


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