Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Fun, Sunny Days with P

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, we had a fabulous day.

We ate breakfast, brushed P's teeth, and made a list for the day. Then, we killed four birds with one stone. I printed out sheets from a website I found that helps kids learn cursive. Yes, P wants to learn cursive. P used those sheets to write her thank you notes. And, I fixed one of P's bracelets while she did that. So, we did our sheets, wrote our cards, tried out cursive and fixed a bracelet all at once. Score!

Then, we played Catan Junior. And, we got ready for lunch. We went out for lunch. We picked up mail. We got gas. We got stuck in traffic. That was the low light of our day. We decided to go straight to the park instead of coming home. And, it was sunny, but shaded. There was a breeze. We had the park to ourselves. It was perfect. We played for about 45 minutes before we headed over to swim classes. P wanted to go in the toddler swing so we went in the toddler swing for old times sake. We had so much fun. It was a perfect antidote to the traffic.

We went to swim. And, P decided to nap on the way home. So, I carried her upstairs to her room when we got home. I went through mail while P slept. When P woke up, we did a science experiment and ate dinner. She did one more thank you card before breaking open her chess set with Mr. mouse. Then, I fell asleep while she did bath with Mr. mouse.

We got everything on our list from the morning done! Hooray Team mouse and P!


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