Thursday, December 11, 2014

mouse Falls Down the Rabbit Hole

Dear Friends and Family,

Wow. Has it really been close to a week? Well. I'm in a much better spot now than I was all week so perhaps it's a good thing.

We've had grey, cloudy, wet days for awhile now. And, with the shortened days, I was really challenged to try and keep my head on straight.

And, I had a disgustingly gruesome technology update project that involved me babysitting two computers for close to two weeks. That is done and was successful.

And, I had to bully Mr. mouse into completing Christmas cards. And, they have been mailed.

And, today, Mr. mouse and I are going Christmas shopping. That will be another major task crossed off of the list, if we can get it done between now and when we go to sleep tonight.

So, I'm in a better spot. And, we're grinding towards the end of the year. Tomorrow will be a throw away day. But, if I can get the presents done today, I'll be okay. Wish me luck!


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