Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Weekly Weigh In: 7/14/15

Dear Friends and Family,

this week's weight loss: 2.2 pounds
total weight loss: 11.6 pounds

Yeah! I can put the Fourth of July weight gain behind me. I can also put the initial disruption caused by starting up an exercise routine behind me. I can also put the aches and pains behind me. And, I can put the carbo loading behind me. Hooray!

I should explain a bit more what went on this past week.

I started wearing a fitbit pedometer. It tracks my steps. It also synchs to Weight Watchers and Weight Watchers then increases my available points for the day. So far so good. There's the initial weight gain associated with starting up any new activity - you gain a little muscle, you hold a little more water weight, and your mind begins to play little tricks on you.

That's where the carbo loading comes in.

I was mentally fueling up for my morning walks by adding toast or a bagel to breakfast. But, for the amount of walking I'm doing I don't need to add toast or a bagel to breakfast. My fruit should be plenty and it is. I just needed to get over the fear of not having enough energy. And, now that I'm over that fear all is good again.

Now that I'm back to where I was two weeks ago, I can focus again on the future. I guess at this point if I'm going to continue on my routine, I should keep on tracking my steps and I should keep on tracking my food. And, hopefully I'll have more good news next week.


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