Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Weekly Weigh In: 7/28/15

Dear Friends and Family,

this week's weight loss: 3.2 pounds
total weight loss: 13.8 pounds

Wow! I won't lie. It feels good to be able to type those numbers. I'm essentially a pound away from 15 pounds. 15 pounds! I'm not sure how long it'll take me to lose that pound, but I'm motivated.

There's definitely changes going on. I'm not as drawn to sweets as I was before. Yesterday, we got doughnuts for breakfast. I wasn't tempted. I had fruit instead. Last night, we went out for ice cream. I could have easily ordered a single scoop. The ice cream is delicious. But, I didn't order any. My eyes were probably devouring everyone else's ice cream. But, I didn't eat any. It's not as tempting as it was before. Or rather it is tempting, but I am remembering how to resist the temptation.

I'm motivated in a different way. There's thing I want (like ice cream) and things I want more (like losing another pound) and this past week I remembered I do want things more than the immediate gratification of ice cream and doughnuts. I'd rather be my goal weight and have more energy and be a healthy role model for P and feel good in my clothes than have a doughnut.

Wish me luck with next week's weigh in.


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