Monday, November 09, 2009

11.09.09: Weekend of Misunderstandings

Dear Friends and Family,

Sometimes, when Mr. mouse gets on a mission, it's just plain easier to roll with the punches than it is to resist. Fortunately, it doesn't happen often. And, usually it's relatively harmless.

This time, he got it in his head that he wanted to go see our Winter Cabin friends. So, we scrambled to get all of our errands done on Saturday. We took the early flight out. We took the later flight back. And, in between, we spent the day with our friends which was awesome.

Now, the less than awesome. I didn't get to sleep in on Sunday. And, I didn't get to nap or turn in early so I'm starting the week tired. We didn't get all of our errands done so I'm starting the week feeling behind.

And, since we didn't get to see any of my friends from old work, it was a partial trip. What it comes down to is, I'm not sure how our weekends are going to shape up. We have friends in town next weekend that we weren't originally planning on. And, the weekend after we're visiting the folks. And, at any given moment my time can be trumped. And, I guess I just wanted quiet time because lately I feel my schedule hasn't been my own. And, so, while I thoroughly enjoyed the trip out, I resented Mr. mouse taking away what little control I've had recently.

Pioneer is moving around like a champ. Not crawling, but turning and shifting to get from point A to point B. It's not intentional, just happen chance. She's making progress on the food front - she ate almost a half ounce of peas last night. She's still talking up a storm. And, she's beginning to exhibit stranger anxiety. All of which makes me feel like she's growing up too fast. Yet, when she's asleep in my arms, like she was on the flight home, she's still a baby. I couldn't stop watching her last night - poopy diaper and all. My sweetest.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

hi there - so sorry we couldn't hook up with you this weekend. i had a brunch all darned morning and then the chef and i had big plans to hit the apple orchard/winery. figured we don't really have many more warm weekend days coming our way so thought we'd better cram it in. unfortunately this also meant that we were on the complete opposite side of the world - basically WI.

haven't rsvp'ed yet but for sure we'll be down in Jan. hopefully sooner.

getting ready for a little shabu shabu bday dinner this weekend. hey, maybe YOU can run away and come for dinner?! 4pm my place! ;) ok wishful thinking, i get it!

hope your week is going well. take care and get some extra rest. i'm in that mode too.

talk soon. xoxoxo