Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Dear Friends and Family,

Sorry for the spotty coverage. There have been a couple of mornings I've slept through my alarm clock and had to run to work.

My grandmother passed away last night at 9:35 pm. The wake is on Friday night. The funeral is on Saturday.

In an awkward way, I'm happy for my grandmother. She was hanging on when I last saw her, but I didn't see how she was going to recover. Now, she's at peace and there's no more suffering.

In another awkward way, I just wish I could disconnect the phone and crawl into a cave for the next two months and just be here and spend time with P. I wish I could shut out the world and just be by myself. I don't want to deal with anyone at the moment which seems impossibly selfish. I guess I just don't like change sometimes.

In a third awkward way, at some point my mom and I will have to have the conversation. She wants to come out to "help" with P. I'm not necessarily sure I need (or even want) the help. It makes me feel even worse to have this added on on top of everything else.

Guess I'm off to my awkward day.



Rochelle said...

So sorry about your grandmother

Trixie said...
