Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Food Decisions

Dear Friends and Family,

I gave myself a reprieve until P turned 6 months on the whole baby weight thing since 1. it seemed like there was some inexplicable link between my losing weight and my losing milk volume and 2. there were a million and one things I was tracking for awhile with P and who need to track a million and two things, really?

But, now, I'm ready. P's six months old. And, I'm mentally ready to begin the 20 pound journey that is my post partum wellness journey. Instead of jumping full court press on the Weight Watchers bandwagon, I've resolved to make three better food decisions every day. I'll weigh in tomorrow (since I forgot to this morning) and we'll go from there.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

here's to you! i'm also still trying to figure out that 15-20lb thing too. have a free membership to the university club in st. paul so have access to a small gym. i've just figured out that i eat pretty damned well - need some minor modifications - but i really need the exercise part. so i'll be tagging along on your journey.

sounds like you had a good trip home, all in all. i'm glad your family is holding together well.

and such great news about P. lots of food options, all that moving about and now - NEW TEETH - so exciting.

miss you! xoxo