Friday, April 02, 2010


Dear Friends and Family,

No, not the clothes line by Sarah Jessica Parker. No, not some vampire thing. Plain and simple, P was bitten at school yesterday. Some kid got excited and, you know, when kids get excited, they bite.

Wait. Stop. No, I don't know. When P gets excited she laughs. She shakes like a bowl full of jelly. She falls. She does not bite.

Okay. I'll admit back in November when her first two teeth came in, she bit me a couple of times while eating - a couple of times when she was overeager to start and a couple of times when she thought that was an acceptable way to signal that she was done with that side. And, she learned quickly that biting was not acceptable. And, she hasn't bitten anyone since.

Well. I suppose she'll go through more adventures as she progresses through school - biting, hair pulling, you name it, kids do it. Excellent.

I was going to write yesterday morning about her self soothing skills (she got it together on the car ride home and in her crib yesterday morning), but I ran out of time in the morning and then she was a basket case on the way home yesterday. Guess there's a learning curve before she's consistent. Our little P.


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