Friday, April 30, 2010

Thinking about Wellness

Dear Friends and Family,

Time to be a little selfish and begin thinking about me again.

I promised myself that I'd give myself until P turned one before tackling losing the baby weight. Why? Well, because I found that milk supply dropped when I was losing weight. Now that she's drinking water as well as milk and there's enough in the freezer to last until P turns one, I've got a lot more flexibility and I'm beginning to think about how to tackle losing the baby weight.

I can do a lackadaisical approach, cross my fingers, and hope. I can jump back on the Weight Watchers bandwagon. Or, I can do something in between. I think I'll start with the in between and go back to Weight Watchers if I'm not seeing the results.

Here's what I'm thinking... I think I'm going to break the day into two hour chunks and work my way back into weight loss. That way I'm making small changes throughout the day vs. tackling it all at once which I don't think I have the mental bandwidth to do right now.

Twenty Four Hours of Food

midnight to 2AM
2AM to 4AM
4AM to 6AM
6AM to 8AM
8AM to 10AM
10AM to noon
noon to 2PM
2PM to 4PM
4PM to 6PM
6PM to 8PM
8PM to 10PM
10PM to midnight

There. That doesn't seem so crazy. And, I think I know which time bucket I'm going to tackle first. noon to 2PM. That's when I eat random candy in the office, especially from the candy dish by the new moms' rooms. noon to 2PM is a good option for a water zone where I've got my water bottle to slake my thirst and the knowledge that I've just eaten to manage my hunger.

Twenty Four Hours of Food

midnight to 2AM
2AM to 4AM
4AM to 6AM
6AM to 8AM
8AM to 10AM
10AM to noon
noon to 2PM water zone
2PM to 4PM
4PM to 6PM
6PM to 8PM
8PM to 10PM
10PM to midnight

One down, eleven to go.


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