Thursday, April 15, 2010

Two Out of Three

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, P needed her binky to fall asleep last night, but the prior two nights she made it without. Yeah for P!

We're slowly trying to wean her off of her binky by being slower to offer it to her and only using it when she really needs it vs. just offering it whenever she's in the car or the crib.

Tuesday night, P had a cute moment. She had been hysterical most of the way home and I was pretty drained by the time we got home. I went upstairs to change while Mr. mouse comforted her. Soon, I heard him changing her and it was obviously a massive diaper. I came down to see the scene and she was buck naked draped across his leg whimpering while he was wiping down her butt. I don't know why I fell in love with the tableau. Perhaps it's the allure of a naked baby. Perhaps it's because she looked so small and I forget how young she still is. Either way, I laughed. And, the image still makes me smile.


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