Friday, September 10, 2010

09.10.10: Weekend!

Dear Friends and Family,

It's almost the weekend. And, there's so much I need to get done between now and the start of my weekend. I wish work was less complicated. I wish work was closer to home. I wish the economy was better. I wish I knew what was going to happen with Mr. mouse at his work place as the right size the workforce. I wish. I wish. I wish.

I think the right thing to prioritize, oddly enough, is getting the house back in order. I tend to do better when everything is in order at home. I think the physical clutter is adding to mental clutter. Maybe I'll spend some time this weekend tackling some corner of this.

I've had thoughts running through my head. Perhaps I should set up a 365 item challenge. Are there 365 "things" in the house that I can make leave the house? And, will I miss them when they're gone? Like the half eaten box of chocolates that are more than a year old. Really? Why are they still here? I'll brew on it a little longer and see if I make it a real thing I track or a mindset I adopt.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

i'm VERY much on this journey as well. lots of "stuff" is departing my house at a rapid rate. after reading about challenge, i'm going to jump on and hope it keeps my lightening and simplifying going. i have been ignoring the house and the stuff for awhile while my work and personal life has been trying to get sorted out, but it's time to grab the reins again. funnily enough, fall seems to be the perfect time to do it.

luck, strength and good juju to you my friend.