Monday, September 27, 2010

09.27.10: Managing

Dear Friends and Family,

It was a hectic weekend, but I made it through in one piece.

Saturday, my sister called to say my mom was visiting. So, we jumped in the car and drove over for a visit. Fortunately, P slept most of the way down and almost all of the way up. My mom loved seeing her so it was worth the monkey wrench in the schedule.

Sunday, we spent the morning doing most of the errands that got punted from Saturday. Then, I dropped Mr. mouse off at the airport for a business trip. Fortunately, he should be back tonight.

Then, I spent the afternoon alone with P. We read. I let her run and play. We ate.

It was fun, but I was also a little (okay, a lot) preoccupied with the fact that my Fantasy Football team was in the toilet. Well, Sunday night I realized 10 years from now I won't give a hoot about my fantasy team, but I will remember the precious moments P provides - like she came up with a sound for fish while we were reading a Good Night book, or when we covered ourselves with the towel and she laughed when she saw my face, or when she wanted to walk around with the towel over her head but then she kept bumping into things.

I promised myself I won't let it happen again. I'm okay with her having independent play time. I just need to let go (mentally) of my fantasy team.

And, now it's Monday and time to get ready soon for the day.


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