Monday, March 21, 2011

03.21.11: Lake Wobegon Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

I know everyone thinks their child is <fill in the blank>, so I think I'm in comfortable company in thinking the same of P.

We went to the park on Saturday and she was just darling as we played in the park - running from one area in the park to another, her eyes wide and bright with excitement.

And, there was the moment when she learned gentle touches after swiping at my face. And, the rest of the weekend was filled with the softest touches to my cheeks. Granted, at dinner it was when she had her socks on her hands, but I'll take it just the same.

Speaking of dinner, P survived a two hour plus dinner with us on Sunday night. She danced, she looked around, she ate, she read, she played with her socks. She did good.

What else made this weekend toddler-centric? Well, she learned how to put on a hat, and wore one of the infant hats she never wore as an infant all day Saturday. It looked like a toddler hipster skull cap - lavender with white bunnies isn't a look we can all carry.

And, there is the continuing ant saga. P is petrified of ants. And, Saturday evening, she shrieked and came running to me. I asked what was wrong as I picked her up. Her heart was racing. She looked at me with a look of betrayal on her face like I had let something horrible happen. I asked if she had seen an ant. And, she answered with an angry yes.


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