Friday, March 11, 2011

A New Plan

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, I've had some marginal success with my post-baby Weight Watchers plan. But, I haven't been as dedicated to it as I was on my first Weight Watchers journey. There's just too much going on and not enough time to do it the way I did it the first time around.

So, I have a new plan.

5AM: breakfast | cereal with milk
8AM: snack | coffee with milk and sugar
11AM: lunch | TBD: 8 points, should include a serving of vegetables
1:30PM: snack | fruit (2 servings) and nuts (14 almonds)
2:30PM: snack | carrots
4:30PM: snack | cheese and crackers
7:30PM: dinner | TBD: 8 points, should include a serving of vegetables
8:30PM: snack | TBD: 3 points, treat

Time to plan out my day.


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