Monday, October 17, 2011

10.17.11: Fall Colds

Dear Friends and Family,

P caught her first cold of the fall season which means I caught my first cold of the fall season. Her runny nose started on Saturday and my sore throat started last night.

Feeling under the weather made for short tempers all around. But, hopefully, we turn that corner and begin to function again before... vacation.

Yes, long awaited, much overdue vacation. What was supposed to be a spring trip to Asia, but then got delayed to a summer trip to some undetermined destination may finally metamorphosis into a fall trip to Italy.

I've determined there's just too much going on. Uh-oh. I know! This is a perfect moment for a Top 3 Update.
  1. Trip Planning. If you're going to take vacation, you might as well throw yourself into the planning so that your precious time off is well spent.
  2. Survival. I have a conference. Mr. mouse has work meetings. Mr. mouse has a haircut. P has school pictures. Just need to power through.
  3. Recuperation. Must get better.
But, when I get back...
  1. My weight. I went shopping for clothes for my trip and realized I've got two choices. I can take the time to manage my food and be happy with everything I try on in the store because I look good (this was me, pre-P) or I can let food happen and then join the ranks of people who are looking for the perfect "thing" that makes them look good because the clothes have to hide my myriad flaws. I'm going to really focus on the former.
  2. Time with P. Even it it's dropped to number 2, it's still important to me. It's important to spend the time with her. She's only going to be this little for a short while and then she's not going to want to spend every waking moment with Mr. mouse and me.
  3. My business idea. Time to get with the lawyer and open the account and get things rolling. I'm so glad graduate school recommendations are over. Three recommendations, three weekends that I could have spent focused on me.
And, then, before I know it November will roll into December will roll into the holidays. Definitely time to focus before things get too far.


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