Wednesday, October 05, 2011

10.05.11: Apple Picking

Dear Friends and Family,

We had a most wonderful weekend.

Saturday was the usual routine. I took P to the bakery and then to breakfast and then to a local grocery store then to the library and then home. I think she enjoys the Saturday morning routine - going out with me every other week while Mr. mouse spends time getting the house cleaned.

Sunday, we finally got out of the house by lunch time and headed out to the apple orchards. P had a great time. We weren't sure how she'd do with it because she doesn't like new experiences. But, she loved the wagon ride, she fed apples to her friend Monkey, she tried to pick up every apple off the ground to take home, she ran, she laughed, she smiled for the camera, she fed me apples, she picked apples off of the trees, she went on the wagon a second time, she ran among the pumpkins. It was a most wonderful trip. I love when P spills over with unbridled happiness.

And, now, it's Wednesday. If you're wondering what's going on and why I've been sporadic, it's because I'm working on a Rubik's cube.

I want to sleep. I want to leave on time. I need to weigh my fruit and measure my milk. And, I've got a bunch of things on my mind - a college recommendation I'm writing, my business plan, a business I'm thinking about investing in, a trip we're taking this month, a trip we're taking next month, and Halloween. Yes, my one brain cell is building up a queue here.


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