Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Capturing Time

Dear Friends and Family,

It happened yesterday at work. The dreaded calculation talk... Well, next week is a short week, and then everyone's off the week after. So, we might as well wait until January before we kick off this project...

Wait a moment! Where did December go? I don't know.

I've come to the sad realization that I've lost total control of time. And, that makes me wonder - do you put life on hold and try to capture the precious memories of babyhood? or do you let life happen and wake up one day to find a teenager asking for the car keys?

I'm not sure you have a choice. And, I'm not sure the answer is black and white. If you put life on hold, then the dishes don't get cleaned, and the fridge doesn't get stocked, and the clothes don't get washed, and that hardly seems like a good choice. But, if you do all of the things that need to get done, then the time slips by and you know you'll regret not taking more time to just lie on the floor and laugh with her because one day she won't have any interest in doing that with you.

There's a precious window of time right now when her eyes light up only for you (and her Dad, of course) and her smiles are sheer expressions of her utter joy to see you and she is thoroughly content to play with you all day.

I guess the right answer is one of balance - get enough done to keep the wheels on the wagon, but make a conscious effort to take the time to enjoy the bliss of the first year.


1 comment:

Rochelle said...

You got it sister. I look back and wonder how do I have an 11 yr old and an 8 yr old. Where's the pause button?