Tuesday, December 22, 2009

P's Christmas Tree

Dear Friends and Family,

Our ornament collection has always followed three simple rules. Each year we buy the Swarovski Christmas ornament. Each year we also buy a handmade glass ornament. And, then, we have four boxes of MOMA ornaments we use as filler ornaments. There are two bell shaped ornaments that don't fit the round criteria, but nevertheless make the cut each year because they are so beautiful.

Last night, daycare sent home a classic kid ornament - red construction paper cut in the shape of a mitten with a picture of P in the middle. And, just like that, our tree became a little more personal. And, I'm okay with it.


PS: P's continuing her hit-me (as in blackjack) motion. Perhaps she'll be a drummer.

PPS: Last night, she really picked up her crawling pace. I have a sneaking suspicion the extended family is going to give her lots of practice while we're home for the holidays.

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