Tuesday, August 03, 2010

08.01.10: Baby, Foot

Dear Friends and Family,

One day P is going to try and compile this all and she's going to wonder why I wasn't more consistent.

Sunday evening, we were driving home from dinner and P was full of baby talk and Mr. mouse and I were egging her on encouraging the exploration of new sounds and tones. She was saying something like bay-bee.

Well, yesterday, she was reading a book of baby faces and she was pointing to several of them and saying bay-bee. Too cute.

The other word she's gotten down is bahl which she uses to refer to her shoes which only makes sense when you realize the word for shoes in Korean is shin bahl. Last night, in her crib, she was pointing to her foot and saying bahl which could mean she was asking for her shoes or could mean she figured out that bahl is the Korean word for foot. So for now, bahl is either foot or shoe for P. Close enough for a 15 month old.


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