Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Adventures of Mommy Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

I've come to the sad, sad conclusion that my blog is a sad, sad blog.

With the long commute, I no longer have the time in the morning wax philosophical. And, with the lack of sleep my once semi-faceted life has turned into a uniform sleep, wake, drive, work, drive, eat, sleep routine.

And, yet, the toddler accomplishments keep coming. Perhaps it's okay to recognize that for now, I'm merely mommy mouse. And, at some point in the future, mouse as an independent entity will re-emerge stronger and better for the time spent as mommy.

P walked to the car with my yesterday - all the way from her room, through school, through the parking lot and to the car. She's growing up.

And, yesterday, during bath time, she asked Mr. mouse for some soap which she used to rub her belly - three times. Cleanest belly in all of town.

And, last but not least, our toddler has fallen in love with her pillow. We relented a couple of months ago and gave her a pillow. And, now, she sleeps with it all the time. Last night, I went in to her room to say goodnight and she was asleep on her clean belly with her head on her pillow.


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