Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Urban Legends

Dear Friends and Family,

I hate to break the news to you. And, I feel a little guilty for admitting it. But, not all parents love all babies indiscriminately.

I didn't like holding babies before P was born. And, everyone told me that that would change once I was a parent. That after parenthood, I would love all babies and all baby pictures, and that I would love holding anyone's baby. I also heard I wouldn't mind baby crying.

Well, it's all bunk.

Frankly, I have little interest in holding any baby besides P who is now a toddler. Sometimes I do it because I can tell I'll hurt the parents' feelings if I don't. But, usually I'll decline, and Mr. mouse will explain away my behavior to the parents so they know it's not their baby's fault.

And, I still can't stand baby crying. It just puts me on edge.

That all being said... One of my friends just had a baby and I am so excited. He's absolutely perfect (at least in the pictures I saw) and I can't wait to meet him.


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