Monday, August 02, 2010

Returning to Work: One Year Anniversary

Dear Friends and Family,

I'll write about the weekend tomorrow. Today, I want to take the time I have and reflect on the past year.

One year ago today, Mr. mouse and I loaded P into the car and drove to school to drop P off for her first day of school and my first day back at the office.

We made it through the schedule craziness that is pumping. We made it through the first year of driving. We made it through packing bottles and bags and binkies. We made it through the multiple times P was sent home from school for being sick. We made it through the transition to toddler room.

There have been days I wanted more time with P. There have been days when I had a bad day at work and I questioned my decision. But, in the end, I'm glad I made the decision I made. I think P is a better person for it. And, I know I am a better person for it. Ultimately, I like working. I like the tough mental challenges and the social interaction. I think if I was at home every day with P I would eventually think it was repetitious.

Right now, it feels like a good balance. I get to see P when I drop her off. I get to see P when I pick her up. I talk to P and sing to her on the way home. I get to spend time with her at night - playing, eating dinner, bathing and putting her to bed. I get my weekend rush. Then, I get to go to work and know she's in good hands doing things I wouldn't be able to do with her at home (e.g. playing with her classmates) or wouldn't think to do at home (e.g. chocolate pudding art).

I like being close by. And, I like doing drop off and pick up. There are too many firsts I would have missed if I had skipped drop off and pick up. In those precious moments, P pulled up for the first time and took her first steps. On a day at home with me, sick with some stomach bug, she crawled for the first time.

So, while the commute has been longer than I would like. I wouldn't change a thing. At least for now.


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