Wednesday, September 21, 2011

09.21.11: Weekend?

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend? It's Wednesday and I'm writing about the weekend? That's not a good sign.

Okay. Weekend.

Highlight of our Saturday? a trip to the bookstore

Sunday? a last minute purchase of School House Rock tickets

The rest of the weekend? Saturday was a typical start with a trip to the bakery, followed by breakfast, a trip to the library and a trip to the park.

Saturday night, we took P to the bookstore and she fell in love with the train set. And, she didn't want to leave. And, she saw another mother cave and spend an additional 30 minutes with her son at the store letting him play with the train.

I wasn't going to set a precedent. I picked her up and gave her a couple of seconds to calm down. Then, I gave her two options. Option A: we can leave now. Option B: we can put down the train, go over to the benches, read some books, see which books we like, and buy the books we like - three books. She thought about it for a moment and picked the latter option. I put her down. She put down the train. We walked away. I was bursting with pride!

Sunday, we went to see School House Rock. P has been watching some of the old videos. She's allowed up to three a day for nine minutes of screen time. Yes, we meter screen time by the minute. She's been learning the preamble, conjunctions, adverbs, nouns and the legislative process - although if you ask her, she'll say preamble, freight train song, lolly, grandma song and Mr. Bill. The show was a huge success. P loved it. She wants to go back, but it was a one-time showing. Sigh.

And, last but not least, a "friend" had a post on Facebook that I read about. Her 18 month son finished his nap, took off his pants, took off his diaper and the proceeded to pee onto the floor. Her thoughts? Time for toilet training. Mine? Definitely time for training - parent training and toddler training come to mind.


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