Thursday, September 08, 2011

Four Day Work Week

Dear Friends and Family,

I like short work weeks. It's already Thursday!

Our toddler is quickly becoming a pre-K. P's feet had a growth spurt. And, she's looking taller as well. A lot of her clothes from last year fit from a width perspective, but some are simply too short. Mr. mouse tried to convince her that one piece was a "cropped hoodie," but she simply said, "I don't like cropped hoodie. P want sweater."

Then there's the more amazing growth spurt. She's beginning to recognize sounds like words that begin with or have the letter S in them. She's got two or three sight words down. And, she can get the concept of reading a sentence, like last night when I wrote P sleeps on cot on Mr. mouse's white board and she pointed to words as she recited the sentence.

She's got a good handle on her puzzle which is marked for ages four plus. And, she's got a good handle on her mix and match cards - you flip 20 cards face down and flip them over two at a time matching them. And, her memory is oddly good. She remembers that our friend has two guitars - a red one and a green one - even if she only saw the guitars for a couple of moments. And, she remembers that Mr. mouse has sushi pieces on a grey cabinet even if it's been over a month since she was there.

Like I keep telling Mr. mouse, my job is to keep the freaks in the white coats away.


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