Friday, September 02, 2011

Hard Brain

Dear Friends and Family,

I don't know if it's the concussion or if I'm getting old or it's my analyst, but his way of doing Excel is impossible for me to follow.

I consider myself an above average Excel user. But, I also try to make my work easy for someone else to pick up, probably because I've picked up a file or two in the past that were bears to wrap your arms around.

But, his Excel sheets are IMPOSSIBLE to follow. He uses one formula over and over again to do a multiple row, multiple column combo vlookup hlookup which really is kind of nifty but is impossible to easily audit.

I just can't bring myself to begin writing formulas that way. Like I said, I'm not sure if it's the concussion or I'm getting old or I just refuse to pick up something that the next person can't follow.

Perhaps I should change my name from mouse to dinosaur.

tyrannosaurus mouse

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