Monday, March 04, 2013

03.04.13: What I Learned at Church

Dear Friends and Family,

The weekend was busy. We got a lot done, and, of course, that feels good.

We cleared off the kitchen counter, moving everything onto the living room couch. Then, we moved back chunks of stuff at a time making some progress on controlling the clutter. We just need to keep at it until we clear off the couch now.

We bought big kid sheets and a big kid pillow for P. Mr. mouse moved the mattress from the basement up to P's room. She's sleeping on the big kid mattress now.

And, despite some misgivings, we went to church on Sunday. I'm glad I did.

The father spoke about a lot of different things. What did I learn? I realized there's a lot of things I know I shouldn't do, yet I do. And, there's a lot of things I know I should do, yet I don't. I need to do a better job not letting either of those happen. Yet, even as I strive to be a better person, I need to remember I will not be perfect. And, when I fall short of perfection, I need to forgive myself and be okay with it.

This is what happens when you let a Buddhist go to church. Oh, and the Eucharist? For me, it's a reminder that it's just as important to feed the soul and it is to nourish the body.


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