Thursday, March 28, 2013

In Search of Normalcy

Dear Friends and Family,

After so many abnormal weeks, I'm looking for a plain Jane ordinary week. A week without a doctor's appointment, a week without jury duty, a week without Mr. mouse traveling, a week without something school related. A week without five days of bad traffic for no good reason. A week where everyone in the mouse house is healthy. A normal week where Monday to Friday we just do our normal mouse family thing.

Perhaps next week will be such a week. We have nothing on the docket school wise. We have nothing on the docket travel wise. Perhaps next week will just be an ordinary week.

Yesterday, we had a mix up on meeting up points. I picked P up early and brought her home after my doctor's appointment. I tried calling Mr. mouse repeatedly but did not leave a message. Mr. mouse called my desk phone since he didn't want to call my cell phone, and then took the train out to meet us for mail and dinner. Then, Mr. mouse was talking to someone or another from work and missed my call and didn't get off by the house and ended up in the suburbs somewhere and had to take the train back home. Hassle and a quarter and to rub salt in the wound, now we're $9 in the hole for the week.

This may be why I'd love a normal week. All these random things throw the budget completely out of whack. There's the $15 in medicine from yesterday, and the $7 in parking. There's the $14 in parking when I was on jury duty and the extra $3 in train fare when I was on jury duty and the $2 for a bottle of water since they don't let you bring in water bottles.

A normal week. That's all I want.


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