Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jury Duty

Dear Friends and Family,

I walked out of the house just after 7 o'clock and walked to the bus station. I took the bus to the transfer point and transferred to another bus. It was nice being outside even if the wind was a little brisk. I took the second bus to the courthouse and arrived with approximately 15 minutes to spare.

I went through the metal detector and sent my bag through the x-ray screening. I walked around a little bit looking for the jury assembly room. I presented my papers and drew a lot for my panel (panel 37) and took one of the many comfy seats they had lined up in the room.

I read some papers I had meant to read for my idea. I began watching Breaking Dawn Part 2. At 9:30, they played a ten minute video for us telling us what to expect for the day. Then, they announced that there was only one jury trial in the courthouse for the day. And, we settled in for the wait.

The room was quite large and the seats spread out. They played one TV for people who needed entertainment. There are restrooms and vending machines. And, there were three quiet rooms if the TV bothered you. All in all, not a bad place to spend a day. They allowed laptops, electronic books and smart phones. Or, at least, they didn't disallow them. But, definitely no cell phone conversations.

I nibbled on trail mix. I bought a bottle of water for $1.25. I watched the rest of the movie. It was 11:30. I ate a sandwich. At 11:45, I moved to one of the quiet rooms. And, just as I was getting settled, they announced that the defendant had pleaded guilty in the one jury trial of the day, so we were all dismissed.

I collected my check for $17.20 and headed out to take the bus home.


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