Monday, August 11, 2014

08.11.14: P's Bike Accident

Dear Friends and Family,

Another week another bike accident. This time it was P. There was blood everywhere. We took her home and washed her up and let her cry herself out watching videos on my lap. Then, we assessed the damage. It seemed like all of the bleeding was from her mouth. And, the bleeding had stopped. Her left hand had some pretty nasty cuts on two of the fingers, but they weren't bleeding any more either. So, we debated the emergency room vs. keeping her at home. In the end, keeping her at home won out because we thought the rest in a familiar setting would do her more good than sitting in an emergency room.

We took her to the doctor on Sunday. Looks like P has a partially detached frenulum. We called the dentist today. They're okay looking at it on our regularly scheduled appointment later this month.

The fingers continue to mend a little more each day. And, P's swelling (on her lip) is slowly going down. She can go swimming on Wednesday. And, outside of taking it a little easy, we should be okay for the next two weeks which is good because I think we'd all be a little bummed if we were stuck inside for the last two weeks of summer vacation.

I'm just glad everything seems to be okay.


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