Monday, February 09, 2015

02.09.15: Weekend Highlights

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Monday. The start of another week. It's a short week because P doesn't have school on Friday. And, it's an even shorter week because I have a school meeting on Wednesday and a meeting with my accountant on Thursday. So, I need to make the most of the day today and tomorrow.

We had a fun weekend. Friday, we went out to dinner with friends. Then, Saturday, we went to see our old school friends and catch up over sledding and pizza and movies. Sunday, we played Lego with P all day. It seemed like the most perfect weekend.

Then, it all fell apart Sunday night. We were folding laundry and talking. And, Mr. mouse voiced that he was unhappy. I asked him what would make him happier. And, he wouldn't talk. I sat there waiting for him and he went off to do email. Classic Mr. mouse. Right there. Total avoidance. Let's not talk about it and somehow it'll magically go away. Perhaps I'm insane... After all, to quote Einstein, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I always try to open a line of conversation somehow expecting he'll take me up on it. But, it's because otherwise we'll continue to do the same thing and get the same results which will continue to make Mr. mouse unhappy. See? We're a house of crazies. The lunatics have taken over the asylum.

Well, I sat there waiting. And, then I got irritated at being ignored. That's just plain rude. So, I got mad and went to bed. I think I know why Mr. mouse is mad. I think it has to do with the budget. Well, I'm sorry. We're on a budget. I don't know what to say about it. I've given him options on how to save money so we have more money to spend in areas we care about, but classic Mr. mouse. He hates making decisions so those stay in limbo and the budget doesn't change. I don't know what to tell him. The other thing that irritates me is that we've gotten through seven months of this. Sometime this spring this should all resolve itself. It's just around the corner so someone's going to have to man up and suck it up for a couple of more months. We're all grown ups here.

Me? Why am I so upset? Well, there's the reminder that we are not good at working out our problems. There's Mr. mouse's inability to let go and throw anything away. And, there's the fact that I have no good idea how to repair our friendship. It's just a big old cluster and my mom is coming in a week and I just feel sorry for all of us. We all just want to be happy but we can't seem to find a way to get there from here.

Well, I can't mope. I need to get a ton done today. It's a short week after all.


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