Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tasks that Spark Joy and Tasks that Don't

Dear Journal,

Many things have already faded from my two fabulous trips this past spring, but two things continue to stay with me. One is that life is too short for bullshit. So, when I came back I started reevaluating my to do list. And, now, I have a thought process.
  1. Does this task spark joy? e.g. coffee with a friend. Okay, let's do it!
  2. If it doesn't spark joy, what are the ramifications if it doesn't get done? Like, does really bad stuff happen? e.g. get gas. Okay, let's put on our big boy pants and get it done.
  3. Next on the list, doesn't spark joy, no major ramifications... Does it take a lot of time? No? e.g. scheduling a swim make up. Okay, keep the big boy pants on and get it done.
  4. The craptastic stuff comes last. Doesn't spark joy. No major ramifications if it doesn't get done. Takes a boatload of time. Seriously. Yes, those tasks existed in my world. e.g. fixing the AM radio on our car. This is where life is different now. Those tasks. The ones that bring no joy, have no ramifications if they don't happen, and take lots of time. Those tasks? They just don't get done now. Not only do they not get done.
I cross them off of my list so I'm no longer dragging them around month to month with a guilty conscience that whispers into my ear that that task needs to be attended to. Nope. Gone.

What's on the docket for today?
  1. weigh in: the number doesn't bring joy, but seeing it go down week to week does
  2. flonase: doesn't bring joy, but being allergy free does
  3. coffee with Steve: joy
  4. no eating until 11 am: not joyful, but seeing the weigh in number go down is
  5. meeting at school: joy
  6. pick up P: joy
  7. dance class: I get to see my girlfriend, we're playing Room 3, joy
  8. parent watch week: J-O-Y!!!
  9. clear kitchen counters: takes 5 minutes now that it's under control
  10. emails: took 10 minutes this morning
  11. clean bathroom cups: because they get gross if we don't run them through the dishwasher on some regularity
See, not so bad. Much better than sitting at a car dealership getting the AM radio looked at.


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