Thursday, May 12, 2016

Why I Am Writing Again

Dear Journal,

Why am I writing again?

Well, because I'm hoping it will help me think through and work through all the stuff in my head. And, I'm hoping it'll also help me capture memories. And, last but not least, because I hope it'll bring a measure of calm and routine back into my life.

Before you think all is gloom and doom in the mouse pad, let me reassure you, it's not. I'm actually in a pretty good spot all things considering. But, that's only because I've been working at happiness. I've been purposefully jettisoning a lot of the things that could annoy me. And, that, I think is the secret to all of this. If it doesn't bring happiness, find a way to eliminate it from your life.

Before I left on my road trip, my task list average 14 items per day. Now, it's down to 8. And, the 6 items I took off, they're things that either brought no joy or, even worse, annoyed me. That's close to half my day! Goodbye and good riddance.

And, that, is why I'm writing again. Because in addition to everything else I've mentioned, it makes me realize I'm making progress.


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