Monday, September 28, 2009

09.28.09: Calm before the Storm

Dear Friends and Family,

We had a long list of errands to run this weekend, but ended up accomplishing not much of anything.

Saturday, we slept in. Then, it was a flurry of activity to get out to the mailbox to get home to go to meet friends for lunch to get a wedding gift to get home to meet friends to eat dinner and put P to sleep to get work done. See what I mean?

Sunday, I got up early and did more work since Mr. mouse and P were sleeping. I vetoed F1, and instead we gave P a bath and ate lunch at home. Then, I passed out while Mr. mouse got some work done. We went out to dinner and then Mr. mouse passed out while I got my standard evening to do list done.

And, now it's Monday and the start of a hectic week. Tonight: work. Tuesday: doctor's appointment. Wednesday: concert. Thursday: breathe. Friday: pack.

Pioneer's picked up new tricks. She reaches for our faces. She passes things from hand to hand. She picks up her pacifier. And, she crawls backwards. It's all darling.

And, Mr. mouse may be brought round to the food train. I'm for trying it since it decreases milk demand making my job easier although I am afraid of ye olde nursing strike. Mr. mouse was all for delaying as long as humanly possible since, after all, why not? But, now he's being brought around by the oddest of arguments: waiting may make P a pickier eater. Okay, if that's what works for him, fine with me. We'll see.


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