Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Grand Social Experiment Update

Dear Friends and Family,

We started an experiment last week with Pioneer where we would let her sleep through her 10:30 PM feeding instead of waking her for it.

So far...

Pioneer woke the first two nights in the middle of the night. We had traded a 10:30 PM session for a 2:00 AM feeding session. But, the last three or four nights she's been sleeping through to the next morning. Most people would not define four o'clock in the morning as sleeping through. Since I am already up at 4:00 AM, I am fine with it.

I wanted to use the shift in sleep cycles to try and remove the 3:30 PM pumping session at work and add a 10:30 PM pumping session at home. So far, it hasn't worked exactly the way I wanted. I've been pumping around 9:15 PM to go to sleep earlier. But, the evening session isn't nearly as productive as the 3:30 session usually is. I've increased my other sessions from 12 minutes to 15 minutes to see if that can make up the delta. It hasn't quite equaled out. I decreased the 3:30 PM session to nine minutes this week. We'll see how it goes. I won't eliminate the 3:30 session until I figure it all out. My thought is I can always increase back to 12 minutes next week if I need to. I'm assuming I've got that much flexibility in this whole game.

Back to Pioneer. Last week I increased her bottle from 5.5 ounces to 5.75 ounces. She hadn't been able to finish the 6 ounce bottle a couple of weeks ago, so I figured I would step her up in smaller increments. She's been finishing the 5.75 ounce bottle, albeit with more spit up. Today, I packed 6 ounce bottles for her. We'll see how she does. My logic is, if she's skipping her night feeding session, she needs to increase, gradually, to 6.5 ounces. We'll do 6 ounces this week and go from there.

Which bring us to part four of the experiment. Pioneer's weight gain. We weighed P on Sunday night and she had gained weight from the week before, but not as much as I had hoped. It was tough to say how much of that was the new routine and how much of that was the weekend trip. We weighed her again last night and she had plumped up a little. If she continues to gain, we'll continue this experiment.

Overall assessment, it's worth continuing to see how our experiment evolves. So far there's nothing we've done that can't be undone.


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