Friday, September 18, 2009

Running on Fumes

Dear Friends and Family,

And, because my parents are my parents, my sister calls me yesterday to tell me that my grandmother had a stroke last Sunday. And, we can't make heads or tails of how she's doing since our parents are loathe to share anything that could make us worry.

So, what are our options? One of us has to get on a plane and go home and assess the situation. And, this time, it looks like it's me with Mr. mouse and P in tow which wrecks any plans I had to catch up on sleep this weekend and just enjoy some quiet time with P.

I know I sound resentful. And, to be honest, I am. Not of going to see my grandmother in the hospital, but that my parents think they're making our lives easier. It'd be so much easier if they could be honest with us and treat us like adults. Then, we could trust them when they say it's okay, no rush to get here. But, we can't (trust them) so we can't (plan the trip).

Annoyed. And, tired. And, resentful.

Cheers! (or not)

PS: Between traffic, work, and a school call, I feel like I haven't seen P all week. This is probably adding to my sense of resentment.

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