Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mouse and More Ballast

Dear Friends and Family,

The tank is running close to empty and I'm thinking about ways to economize.

If it was my car's gas tank, this would be a simple answer of getting more gas. But, it's not. It's my personal gas tank. I'm getting tired.

Work has been crazy. Commuting has been a drag. The house is a disaster. Mr. mouse has been interviewing. The weekends have been packed. Oh, and I found out I lost a close friend before his time.

And, hence, my quandary.

I'm taking Friday off for the funeral. Originally, I had a birthday party for Saturday for a girlfriend who's been through a ton recently. But, now, I'm beginning to realize, I need to come home for the weekend. I need to recharge and that'll be best accomplished here at the mouse pad with P and some serious cleaning and serious rest instead of partying with the girlfriends Saturday night.

I'm going to spend some time, myself, to feel human again - get my brows and nails in order, get my house in order, and hopefully get enough gas in the tank to last me until vacation.


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