Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Mouse and the Phone Call

Dear Friends and Family,

When the cell phone rings at 8:03 AM at work and a friend who never calls your cell phone at 8:03 AM calls, you know it's not good news. Somehow you hope it is, but you know it isn't. And, then, the shock and numbness seep over you like a dense, cold fog. And, you wonder why bad things happen to good people.

I believe in reincarnation. How do I reconcile that with a general belief in God? Well, here's my twisted way of making it all work. I believe an infinitely graceful God would not set up a game that we mere mortals could not win. I believe he gives us as many quarters as we need to figure this game out. And, when we reach the end we find heaven or nirvana. So, it's just a matter of getting through and solving the puzzles in all of the levels. And, that helps me maintain my sanity when life ceases to make sense.

I wonder what lesson God wants G to learn in this life in her journey. And what lesson G wanted G's husband to learn in this life in his journey. And, selfishly, I wonder what lesson God wants me to learn in this life in my journey. I guess I don't know. Perhaps, one day I will.

Until then, I guess I need to trust. And, there's comfort in knowing that we can't lose. If I die before I figure out my life lesson, there's a stack of quarters waiting so that I can try again.


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