Tuesday, November 09, 2010

P and Four Magic Words

Dear Friends and Family,

Sometimes your child does something that just melts your heart and makes you think now is the best moment ever. Never mind that you've had that thought for the past eighteen months. This time, you're sure you're right.

P is growing by leaps and bounds. She longer and leaner and more solid. But, more importantly, she's putting so many pieces together.

She says yum when she sees food or pictures of food. She says yeah when Mr. mouse carries her down the stairs. She says whee when she see a picture of a slide (never mind that it was a picture of the emergency slide on the safety information card on the plane). She says more bottle, milk please and looks at you to see if she got it right.

She's begun dancing. She tries to reattach a broken crayon. She wipes her hands, her nose, the table and her parents if asked to clean up. She covers her mouth when she coughs after watching me do the same for the past month.

She says please and thank you.

Oh, the four magic words? more bottle, milk please (Sunday night, on the way home from the airport). It's like when she said more for the first time, seeing if she got it right. She's said two words strung together, like more book or thank you, but she thinks of those as one notion. This time, she strung words and phrases together to get to a sentence.

It's a wonderful time.


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