Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Officially Hyperthyroid Again

Dear Friends and Family,

The lab called yesterday with the test results. I'm officially hyperthyroid again. And, apparently, when the pendulum swings, it swings. I'm not just a little hyperthyroid, I'm not A LOT hyperthyroid.

I've got follow up lab work on Saturday to see what my T3 and T4 levels are. My TSH is lower than can be measured. Normal range for the TSH test is 0.4 to 4.0. Mine is essentially zero. Yep. Mouse doesn't do things by half measures, apparently.

So, last night, I put together a bigger list of high iodine foods and a list of high inflammation foods. And, the next three victims to fall are all soy which includes soy sauce and makes me very sad, all bread which makes me sad, and all chocolate which is also sad but not as sad as the first two.

My list so far?
  1. caffeine, no iodine, just a catalyst
  2. all food from the sea (fish, shellfish, seaweed, fish sauce, fish paste)
  3. all dairy (milk, yogurt, cream, butter)
  4. all soy (milk, yogurt, tofu, edamame, soy sauce)
  5. all bread
  6. all chocolate
For breakfast this morning I'm having oatmeal with maple syrup. It's a little watery since I used water instead of milk, but it's palatable. I'll do this for the week and tackle another meal next week. In the mean time, I'll sort through sources of stress to see if I can alleviate so of that as well.


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