Thursday, September 25, 2014

Looking Forward to a Day with My Big Kid

Dear Friends and Family,

P moved up in swim levels yesterday and I couldn't be prouder! She started swim lessons in May and moved up a level in July. So, I was anticipating 4-6 months at the second level before she was ready to move up to the third level. I thought she was doing well, but I knew parents can be biased towards their own kids. So, imagine my surprise when I saw an instructor come over to P's lane with a move-up card and a ribbon. At that point, I knew someone was moving up, I just didn't know who.

Then, P pointed to herself and spelled the word up. Hooray for P! Well, this next level is apparently the level where kids get stuck. It's the level where stamina and endurance come into play. We may sign P up for a second class each week to try and power through this level. We'll see.

Today, P's off from school. I'm looking forward to the day off with my big kid. It'll be like summer vacation again. I'm so excited.


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