Monday, November 10, 2008

11.10.08: Birthday Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

What a week. What a weekend. It started with the election. And, was followed by the screening results and sharing our news. And, was capped off by a fabulous weekend birthday visit from Mr. mouse's college roommate and family.

I had my last "work from home Friday" on Friday. Mr. mouse came home around 4pm and we headed out to the airport to get the minivan and the guests. It still blows me away what a year can do to kids. T-Rex is four now. And, she's totally in love with dinosaurs. Her brother, fan-boy, is two. And, totally in love with fans. While two years apart in age, only 3.5 pounds separate them in size. It's a sad, sad day when your younger sibling grows bigger than you. Fortunately for me, I had the size advantage until sometime after college, but alas no more.

We picked up deep dish on the way home because we figured a 45 minute wait at the restaurant wasn't on the high priority list for either the parents or the kids. Afterward, the kids discovered our basement which can be a treasure trove of random toys just waiting to be discovered. Fan-boy's pick of the night? A model Cathay Pacific plane. T-Rex found some Mardi Gras beads and a JAL plane, but she was more interested in all of the dinosaur books Mr. mouse borrowed from the library.

Saturday, we ate in - bread from Zingerman's, muffins from Red Hen, eggs with basil from our box. Then, we loaded everyone into the minivan and drove down to the Field to visit Sue, our resident T-Rex along with her friends in the Evolving Planet exhibit. I petered out after lunch and took a nap on one of the sofas in the museum lobby while everyone else went to see another exhibit on animals. T-Rex was fascinated by all of the videos in the exhibits. I wonder how much of it she absorbed. Her brother? I think he was just along for the ride.

On the way home, we all passed out while Mr. mouse and friend picked up cupcakes and sausages. We snacked on the sausages at home and then the kids played while Mr. mouse and friend went out for groceries. T-Rex played with a magnet calendar while fan-boy found a singing frog White Elephant gift that he ended up taking home with him. Dinner was stir fried bison with onion, curried bison with potatoes, sauteed sea bass with butter sauce, and stir fried napa with garlic. Afterward, we busted out the cupcakes and first fan-boy and then T-Rex sang Happy Birthday. Mr. mouse and his roommate share the same birthday so they had number candles. Fan-boy had candles on his cupcake. And, T-Rex didn't want candles on her cupcake because she didn't want to deal with the smoke.

Sunday, the kids got to eat cupcakes and pizza for breakfast. Then, we headed out into the cold to see the bean at Millenium Park. (Side note: I had a serious case of the burpies on Sunday that got pretty bad on the car ride out. They just wouldn't stop. ) We took some pictures by the bean and then by the fountain with the faces and then hightailed it to the car. We drove down to Chinatown for dim sum and then to Wicker Park to walk through the shops. I was tired and burpy so I sat in the car and read the paper while everyone went for a walk.

It was off to the airport for the return trip. Then, Mr. mouse and I headed out to work for 30 minutes to pack my desk for my move to my new desk. My new desk is sad. I may want to talk to the admin about moving out some of the furniture. It's way too cramped for me.

We came home and I was exhausted from all of the burping. I cried when I realized how quickly the time was going. I wish I could slow it down so I can savor our life together. Instead, the years go faster and faster. And, I guess I'm greedy. I want them to last forever. Even more exhausted, we napped together until almost midnight.

We got up in time for birthday dinner - fried rice - and a couple more birthday hugs. Mr. mouse spent some time organizing photos while I read in bed. We ended the night with a bout of burp-induced queasiness and about three hours of light sleep.

Off to the new job today. This week's priorities? Starting the new job off with a bang, finishing out a couple of loose ends with the old job, and picking up my neglected Alumni Council work. Next week, it'll be vacation prep. And, before we know it, the holidays will be upon us.


PS: Fred and Gen called Sunday morning. And, we were able to celebrate on all four counts (election, job, Pioneer and birthday) together.

1 comment:

Trixie said...

aaah sounds great mousie - can't wait to hear about the new job and all the gory details of the other new news! we need a tea time chat this week - let me know if you have time and can stay awake! :) xoxoxox