Friday, November 14, 2008

11.14.08 (Week 14, Day 7): Week 15

Dear Friends and Family,

I must admit the weeks are ticking by now. Being busier at work definitely makes a difference - the days just go faster. And, I'm beginning to enjoy the second trimester. Let's see... Still burping. And, still getting bouts of bad coughing. Now that I'm feeling better, I need to get the eating under control. I can be more disciplined about what I eat instead of eating whatever I can to keep food down.

We go in today for a scheduled doctor's appointment just to make sure everything's progressing as it should be. The other thing I've noticed is I'm spending less time reading the baby books. There's less going on now, Pioneer's in a growth spurt, but it's not like the first trimester where every week there's something new being formed. I feel sorry for Pioneer sometimes, they get jostled and woken every time I cough or sneeze or move suddenly. It must feel like an earthquake zone in there sometimes.

Your 13-week-old fetus now measures about 4.1 to 4.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 1.75 ounces. Its body is covered by an ultrafine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow. He may even be sucking his thumb by now. Bones are getting harder.

Your uterus can probably be felt about 3 to 4 inches below your navel. Sometime in the next five weeks you'll be offered a quadruple marker screening test, which measures four chemicals in your blood -- alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), inhibin A, and estrogen produced by the placenta. The test is a more accurate predictor of Down syndrome than AFP testing alone. Amniocentesis, which tests a small sample of amniotic fluid withdrawn by an ultrasound-guided needle, is usually performed between now and 18 weeks. It may be recommended if you're 35 or older or if your AFP or quadruple marker screen test results were suspicious.

Tip for the Week
Start learning to sleep on your left side because circulation is best that way. Lying on your back or stomach after about the fourth or fifth month can put extra pressure on your growing uterus and decrease circulation to your baby. You can try tucking pillows behind you and between your legs. Some manufacturers make a pregnancy pillow that supports your entire body.


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