Monday, November 17, 2008

11.17.08: Weekend, What Weekend?

Dear Friends and Family,

If everything goes to plan, we're off to vacation on Friday for a week. Between that, tying out odds and ends on the old job, getting off on the right foot on the new job, and catching up from two weekends worth of friends, we had a crazy weekend this weekend.

We had our follow-up doctor's appointment on Friday. And, Pioneer seems to be doing fine. Heartbeat's in the 150s - sounds like PacMan according to Mr. mouse. I spent a very frustrated 30 minutes trying to get our appointment schedule sorted out. Honestly, I thought Mr. mouse had it under control, but I think he's too much of a softie. They had us coming in a billion and one times for our appointments. Seriously, need to combine visits so I'm not MIA at work, people.

Saturday, we drew up our list of errands. And, it was daunting. We:
  1. returned our library books
  2. dropped off dry cleaning
  3. spent some serious lotion time to try to avoid stretch marks
  4. took our weekly picture
  5. dropped of pants at the tailor
  6. picked up a prescription
  7. picked up book for work
  8. called our friends with the news
  9. picked up the mail
  10. picked up a couple of "maternity" tops and bras
  11. and... food shopping
Sunday morning, I finished off the "quick hitter" list with an evite for a Christmas get together. Then, bless Mr. mouse's heart, we made Thanksgiving dinner together early. Mr. mouse knew I wanted to, but wasn't feeling up to it energy-wise, so he went and picked up all of the stuff Saturday night while I was napping. We didn't do the whole shebang (e.g. pies) but we did make the turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potato, sweet potato, green bean casserole, corn, and cranberry relish. And, afterwards, Mr. mouse made turkey stock with the carcass. I got through my work emails and "finishing up" a deck for my old department. And, we went out for dessert to celebrate Pioneer.

Still on the docket for this week (which is a crazy week at work and chock a block with vacation prep) is scheduling our next ultrasound and alumni council work - I'm beginning to regret signing up for it. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have it hanging over my head this week. Sigh.

So, what am I thankful for? In no particular order, I'm thankful for (and I'm sure I'm going to miss some of the stuff from my list yesterday and think of new ones, but such is life): the health and happiness of our friends and family, of my grandparents, and Mr. mouse's grandmother, and our parents, and my sister and new brother-in-law, and my brother, and Mr. mouse, and Pioneer, and all of our friends, for making it through the first trimester, for the first trimester screening results, for the stuff being bearable, for the bleeding stopping, for both being gainfully employed, for the promotion, for the raise, for having (almost) built up our cash reserves for a rainy day and taxes (plan is to have them in place by end of Dec), for paying down the house, for enjoying work, for a shorter commute, for nice weather so far, for all the places we got to go this year, for all the friends who came to see us, for our wellness, for good food, for balance and perspective, for laughter, for tears, for humility, for the elections, for the future and for hope. Wow, there's a lot to be thankful for.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

oh my gosh, i can't wait to see the bump. get it up here!!! xoxox