Wednesday, October 06, 2010

10.06.10: Mouse Catches the Flu

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm not dead although there were times this past weekend I wasn't so sure.

Yes. I, who so prides herself in never getting sick, got sick. Fever, chills, aches, cough, hacking cough, headache, crusty eyes sick. It was beautiful. Really. So, I'm not sure I have much recollection of the weekend beside sitting in bed, lying in bed, lying on the couch and lying on the floor resting in whatever comfortable position I could find.

I worked from home Monday and Tuesday which entailed driving P out to school and then parking the car at the train station so that Mr. mouse could pick her up in the evening.

I think I was able to stay on top of my work, and get some rest. But, today, I'm going to attempt the office. My poor colleagues. They're going to have to listen to me hack my brains out.

Grossed out yet? Because I am.

On to more fun topics. P's ever growing vocabulary. She's begun saying yes (yeah) and her no is a verbal no now instead of just a shake of the head. She's definitely picked up mine (mine) and milk (milk, drawn out with the middle going down and the end of the word going up). She's got book and bottle down and says more book and more bottle. She's said hi and bye on occasion, but not consistently. My current focus has been teaching her the word please. More book please.

She's figured out where the animals are in her lift a flap book. And, her current interest is in finding Emily Elizabeth on every page of her Clifford book. She likes to make fish sounds in her Good Night book. And, she loves stacking people in her bus to wheel around the rug. She's got body parts down in time for her 18 month check up. And, she's figuring out colors more consistently now. She'll point to Mr. mouse or me if we ask where's mommy or where's daddy. She'll point to herself if we ask where's P. And, she'll point to her classmates if we ask where's so and so.

And, that, is life with P.

The funny thing was we got selected for the follow-up census questionnaire. And, in it you have to provide more detailed information about each member of your household, including P. One of the questions was speaks English, well, okay, not well, not at all. And, I wanted to put, come on, she's not even two years old yet, but that wasn't an option. So, I picked not well which was the closest fit. Perhaps they'll assume she speaks another language better, but, well, that wouldn't be true either.


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