Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zigging while Zagging

Dear Friends and Family,

I think we may have a solution that works. I think.

I've been gestating on this idea and have two people I would like to work with. There's one local and one in another city. The one I started conversations with and the one I fortuitously "ran into" later. The one more aligned with my vision and the one with more drive. The one with more experience and the one with more time.

Wouldn't it be great if it was all aligned, but no, the characteristics are split between two people. And, I don't want to dilute the equity that far. Fortunately, I think we may have a solution that works.

I've asked one of my two potential colleagues if they're willing to come on board for less equity and more up front compensation. If she accepts, I have two partners I can work with both with skin in the game, and with enough equity left to make it interesting for me.

We'll see.


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